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by the


The familiar moments of the everyday are in fact, quite special if we only pause to pay attention.

The 4 pillars of PPOH Studios


We believe that finding purpose in the everyday is important because it makes each day meaningful.


For us, art is fun. We encourage playfulness in both the result and process of creating art.


At PPOH Studios, we celebrate originality. We believe that different is interesting.


PPOH Studios was built on the foundations of hope. A hope that the simple stories told through art can connect and heal one another.

Meet the artist


Hello, my name is Katie. I am the artist behind PPOH Studios. I am based in the UK, with roots from Hong Kong. PPOH Studios started off as a passion project of mine; a space to share art and fashion. It has slowly evolved with me as time has passed.​


Here at PPOH Studios, we pay homage to the familiar moments of the everyday. My art serves as a gentle reminder of how special our daily routines can be if we simply pay attention to them. 

May you find a dose of comfort through the stories told through art here at PPOH Studios.​​​ Perhaps one day, we can gather our little community together and create art!


Katie Waiyu

Founder and artist behind PPOH Studios


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